Welcome to SpiderPlant Universe MV
So let me tell you about the one where we made a music video by 3D-scanning our flat
COLLABORATION with Ben Ibbotson (aka SpiderPlant)
Role: 3D scanning, camera in Unity, editing
Software: 3D scanning app on iPad Pro, Unity, Premiere Pro
Stepping out of comfort zone: 🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶
Welcome. Breathe. Leave your stresses at the door. Enter this space. Come into the flat where the music was made. This is a place where you can escape. Welcome to the SpiderPlant universe.
In an increasingly hyperconnected world and the advent of the standards of work-from-home, it has become increasingly harder and necessary to separate two worlds which are the cause of deep-rooted frustrations for the artist himself: the collision of our professional world and the comfort of home.
The project is centred around themes of work-related stresses and creating a space within your home to leave those stresses behind to nurture a safe shelter. The music for the video was created in the same room that the video is set, as creating the soundscape was a cathartic experience, thus the set welcomes the viewer into this space and contextualises the creation of the audio to demonstrate the power of separation between work and home life.
Using an accessible technology available on smartphones, 3d-scanning is used to encourage others to think about their space at home and how they can be captured and displayed to the world. This allowed us to play with our nurtured environment to mirror the emotional realism and visualise the complex feelings we harbour when our home has been corrupted by the outside. This video is an introduction to a wider project which delves deeper into these themes, an album that is an ode to all frustrated artists who are forced to work a day job.
This was my first time using 3D scanning and animating in Unity.